About Me

Hebe Denis is a Certified Cheese Professional from the American Cheese Society and a USSA Certified Sommelier located in South Florida. Holding a BS in Hospitality Management from Florida International University, her career spans over a decade of experience in restaurant operations, catering and specialty retail foods.

After a one year stint working the cheese and meats counter in 2007 at the famous South Florida Crown Wine and Spirits, while she prepared for her Sommelier exam, she fell head over heals for cheese and never looked back. Her next mission would be to immerse herself in cheese.

For the next seven years she played many roles while managing the Specialty Department at the Whole Foods Market at South Beach. But her favorite, by far, was cheesemongering. She procured the largest and most unique artisanal cheese selection anywhere in Miami Beach. Her cheese counter was known for her unique selection of French cheeses and American artisan cheeses.  She developed tasting and pairing classes as well as ongoing education programs for her team and customers. Along with the team’s beer specialist, they developed the most successful beer tasting club of all the Whole Foods Market stores in South Florida. “Jake’s South Beach Brew Club” was the only beer tasting club in all of Miami Beach.

As one of the first candidates to successfully achieve the American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional designation in 2012, Hebe is always excited to share her passion for cheese. Her goal is to take people on a journey of palate elevation – slowing down the process of food discovery and motivating them to fall in love with cheese. By stimulating curious palates that are open to new experiences she wants to turn everybody on to the magic of cheese.

Since 2014 Hebe has taken on the entreprenureal challenges of starting her own cheese business where she plays many roles in the cheese world. From consultant to traveling cheesemonger and more recently sales manager for the publication Cheese Connoisseur, her ultimate goal is to develop the Fall in Love with Cheese brand into a proper cheese shop and cheese merchandise.